Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Hipster

I'm a problem solver. Not in all areas of life, mind you, but with regard to designing, a problem often serves as the impetus I need to create new designs. PROBLEM: Holiday shopping with temperatures in the low 20's + winds nearing 70mph = wind chills that freeze boogers! Compound that with hauling packages to and from (I confess...early returns) your car, all while lugging a leather purse that refuses to ride on a coat-clad shoulder...Aargh!! Happy Holidays?! Well, I can't do anything about the weather and these crazy shopping habits are ingrained in my DNA (Thanks, Mom), BUT the irritating purse? Now THAT I can do something about! SOLUTION: The Hipster. A compact purse--made of recycled and felted wool--that rides on your hip with the help of a belt. I know the fanny pack took a beating in the "wear this not that" world, but make it stylish and drop it from the waist to the hip and...when I took it for a test drive --Saturday at the mall--it was the center of attention...not mine, I virtually forgot I was wearing it, so inconspicuous, but those around me...shoppers and sales clerks who suffer from the same dreaded problem saw the genius (ha ha) behind the design! Take a quick look inside... Roomy enough for all your bare essentials. Small enough to stay out of the way. The little denim pocket holds your cell for easy access. The Hipster is available at Harmony in Life OR contact me at jenondrus@yahoo.com.
The fanny pack is back and better than ever, darling!


  1. Good news! I've made it easier for people to leave comments on our blogs now! Hope this works out well for both of us! If you get a lot of spam, let me know. Love you!

  2. Hoping that this works like it did for Mary's. See you soon! Tina
