Way back in October
I decided (after pricing pumpkins)
that I would have a patch of my own in 2011.
James wanted a giant pumpkin.
Giant means expensive.
He got his giant pumpkin
I got the seeds.
Funny story...
I had them on the counter to dry.
That very night...
a little mouse had a feast in my kitchen.
He ate every single seed,
but one.
kicking my brain into gear.
"My Pumpkin Seed!"
Yes, it was late June and I planted that seed.
Talk about faith of a pumpkin seed.
While I was at it
I figured I might as well plant more.
I'm calling this my Five-Gallon Bucket Experiment.
Said a little prayer.
Much nicer than annuals.
so I've gone a bit seed bonkers lately.
Another metal bucket means
more pumpkins.
on the edge of my raised beds.
I know what your thinking...
those pumpkins will be ready for Christmas.
After a whole bunch of online research into the lore of the
some sites had me dancing naked under the solstice moon...
I might get lucky.
Most farmers say planting too early is the bane
of the pumpkin harvest.
I don't have to worry about that,
now do I?
But...after all that digging,
I did have to worry about gardener's hands...
Then I found this recipe at a cool site
simply called
Gardener's Hand Scrub
1/2 Cup Coconut Oil
1 Cup Coarse Sea Salt
1/4 Cup Lavender Buds
(Amendment after additional use: I'm not a fan of the
lavender buds which add little fragrance and a lot of mess...
again, in my opinion...next time I would add
a skin safe fragrance oil OR essensial oils)
Mix and store in an air tight container.
Really leaves your hands feeling squeaky clean and moisturized.
once again in my life
I have become that person I am intimately familiar with.
The Lady-In-Waiting.
After 4 babies who liked to be "over cooked"
I know I can do this.
I can do this well.
This time around my hands will be beautiful.
And no stretch marks! :)