There are those
when necessity dictates
the alarms be set
earlier than usual
as was the case with our
4:45 a.m.
wake-up call
wake-up call
During the coffee shift
I became enamored with the
setting moon in the
western sky
I want to learn how to
capture that orb
in an attempt to explain
why it woos me so
With the determination of one
who was denied her rightful sleep
I bundled-up for the single digit morning
camera in hand
but alas
this was the best
of the bunch
which is a far cry from
the marvel
I was witness to.
And so I turned my attention
to the shifting light
gave way to
As blues
gave way
and thoughts of returning
to bed
gave way to
the promise
of a beautiful day
filled with snow
twinkling lights
and a second cup of
cafe latte.
Hello, Monday!
4:45? Seriously? The photos are beautiful, so I guess it was worth it. Hey, is the truck up and running again? We need to catch up! Merry Merry Merry Christmas! ;)