Wednesday, April 20, 2011

From Inspiration To Fruition

A curious beast.
Can strike when you least expect it.
Such was the case for me when I was looking at James' phone.
That growing tree intrigued me.
when a little bird appeared...
I was smitten.
To the drawing board.
Stencils were wanting to be made.
This is my version of that Verizon tree.
Complete with a little chickadee.
Next stop...the garage...
where I perform a little t-shirt magic...
and voila!
The vision becomes reality.
That's an exciting moment because with this process
perfection is never achieved.
It is in the imperfection that each unique design
truly makes itself known. I expect the unexpected.
Repeat the process.
Find an Old T-Shirt that wants to be Maid New.
Head outdoors and get busy!

Fruits of my labor. A subtle design that takes the ordinary to the extraordinary! All in all... A fun and creative way to spend the afternoon... Old Maid New Style! O.M.N.

(The label that assures you are getting a perfectly imperfect design!)

1 comment:

  1. You had me at "little bird". Those new tees are seriously sweet!
