Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Are You Wearing Your Green?

Can you read right to left? I wore my "THINK" shirt for St. Patrick's Day...
a hippie kinda thing to do.
Raising awareness and wearing green...get it?
Then it occurred to me...
I'll blog my green day everyday theory.
Here's my compost pile...ain't she pretty.
It will be dark, rich soil...
right in time for
Spring gardening.
Feed the Earth!
Recycling Day...Load-up the Jeep!
Cans, plastics, newspapers, cardboard...
they never land in the landfill around here.
Motorcycle Hubby!
He worked very hard a couple of years ago
trying to convince me that
riding a bike would save us money and would be
good for the environment...
obviously he is quite a salesman!
Look at that smirky smile...
How can a wife say no to that?
Spring Green!
As he was leaving for work on his first bike outing
of the year, I spotted these!
My first crocus of the season.
Don't ya just love green?
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Happy Green Day...Everyday!

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