Friday, August 5, 2011

50 :: Up Close And Personal

My Mom and sisters
discovered something on a trip
that I couldn't attend.
The hotel was equipped with a lighted
magnifying mirror.
The way I understand it
they found unwanted facial hairs that
had slipped under the radar and they left knowing
one thing for sure...
we all had to have one.
I received mine today from mom
for my birthday.
Let me tell you...
at 8x magnification I got an eye full.
Asking myself questions like...
when did that happen?
Real positive self talk like...
thank God for cover-up!

Nothing left to do but laugh...

and flip to the other

1x magnification...


So, this is what 50 looks like.

Happy Birthday to me!


  1. Fifty looks good on you, Jen! Happy Birthday! Love you!

  2. You look fabulous- even your nose:). Love- Tina

  3. You look so beautiful in these picture Jenny. Wow!
    I am so glad you were born xo

  4. Leave it to my sisters to make everything all better! Love you all. To quote Susie...I am so glad each one of you were born. Should probably be thanking Mom for her part! xo
