Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Like putting zucchini
in brownies...
having James bike to the corner
store for some bread...
asking both boys to practice
their BMX skills.
I single-handedly made the brownies
healthier, snuck in exercise...
and grabbed a little alone time!
It doesn't end there.
The refrigerator has become
home to my
word-a-day venture.
Deceptively easy words when considering
their multiple meanings.
Take marrow: noun. 1: The soft fatty tissue in the interior of bones.
2. The inmost, best, essential part.
3. Any of various squashes in green or creamy-white colors.
(I didn't know that!)
4. A helper, co-worker, friend or spouse.
So...I read "my" new word aloud...
recite the meanings...
give examples...
(saving etymology for the official school year)
and use the word throughout the day.
It's gotten comical
with Joey intentionally (I hope)
mixing their respective meanings...
i.e., "you're giving me a corolla!"
All from the comfort of the computer.
with its weekly themes.
This week...words with more than one meaning.
Just getting the ball rolling...
getting our feet wet...
the early bird catches the know.

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