Monday, March 5, 2012

joy of now

Who would have thought
that this mild winter
would have me longing to

A Michigan winter without (much) snow?
Plain weird.
Normally, this time of year
has me dreaming of
white beaches...
not white driveways!

Yet, here I am.

My first shoveling of the year.

Sure it's March
but we are still smiling...

 while we can.
The sun is shining brightly
its warmth is sure
to melt it quickly...
better get to
the shovel before there
is no need.

No need to bundle...
fingerless gloves
polar-tec shirt

 Almost put these
in storage

more like winter props
than anything else...
part of the outdoor decor.

actually put to use.

Soaking up the rays
after this small
probably unnecessary

Walking in the door
to the sweet fragrance
of James' home-cookin

the joy of now...
the joy of snow.

Who'd of thought?
March madness defined.

1 comment:

  1. march madness, indeed. Snow here in where I live in March is UNHEARD of- so it was a huge surprise for us. But unlike your shovel fun (which actually looks like an adventure I could have used!), the rain melted it away by the evening. Sad.
