Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Pavlovian Candy Jar

On a recent visit home
we took my sister and her boys to
the candy store.
Boyd's Retro Candy Store
to be exact.
Located at the
Lewis/ Detroit Ave./Sylvania

Toledo, Ohio.
They sell memories.
The oldies BUT goodies.
Pixie Stix, Warheads, Goetze's Caramel Creams...
Soda pop...
the way it should be...
in bottles!
Although small inside
they utilize every inch to stock
all things sugar.
Ice Cubes, Lollipops, Jelly Bellies...
Mallo Cups, Jaw Breakers,
Lemon Heads. Candy Buttons on paper strips...
Candy cigarettes...
in the gum or "blow smoke" variety.
(Sold appropriately behind the counter)

James is certain that heaven is
one big candy store.

We made our purchases.
Ate candy on the drive home.
Ate more candy at home.
I took what was left and put it in an old
Ball jar.
Seemed fitting.
Until one day James came into the dining room
to get at one of those
remaining Pixie Stix.
"OUCH..." he mumbled.
When I asked him what was wrong he said,
"I hate this snaps my fingers
when I try to open it."
I started giggling.
For the record, I didn't realize it would
be so hard to open...
I thought it looked cute.
Now...when he
goes to get a piece of candy
he thinks twice...
how bad do I want it.
A Pavlovian response?
Have I conditioned James inadvertently?
A Freudian slip...
on my part. tee-hee.

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